
By Marionb

A Bright Spot..

.. in my day! It was almost dark when I remembered to get a blip and had to resort to what was in the garden..Maggie was not co-operating! 

My new hydrangea has turned out to be a beauty and provided an emergency  photo suitable for posting. I sure hope it keeps up the good work and is hardy enough to survive that area of the garden where it lives. That location has been the death knell for two young trees in the last 4 years! So far, so good....

Other than finding a bloom to post, it was a challenging day. I have been getting quite anxious to get this trip to the UK all booked as I am running out of time. Accommodation has not been an issue..but now I am bogged down in the logistics of flights and car rentals and I have run into snags and glitches for which I can't seem to get answers. I finally gave up and booked an appointment early next week with a travel agent who says she is happy to help find the answers. Until then, I will occupy myself with appointments, previously arranged social outings and getting organized to head to the cottage for two weeks! It will be a busy few days....

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