
By pensionspoet

Royal Highland Show - day 2

Today has been a full one again. Jon was up before me, and for the first time in a long time I think I slept all night. I know I dreamt I went into the lake and found the missing mobile phone, dropped by a girl yesterday. Sadly, none of us have actually tried to trace it, and I think that particular mobile phone is destined to stay at the bottom of the loch.

Jon had already started preparing the blueberry pancake mixture for breakfast. Our fifth team member Olly arrived at 8 with his dad. He is here to help for the rest of the weekend. I cooked bacon to go with the pancakes, and we had honey and yoghurt. Everyone enjoyed it. They then went off to set up for the day - canoes, deer hides, shrink pots and fire lighting. Something for everyone!!

Meanwhile, I kept the fire going, boiled water for washing up and sorted everything out in my camp kitchen. Then more tea and coffee. I sat down eventually to try and do a bit of writing, and then I got a call ‘pensionspoet’ - it was fellow blipper @houseonahill6 I instantly jumped up as I had been expecting her and her husband. I was quite excited as I have only had a few blip meets before, and they have all been in Norfolk close to home. We chatted for a while, and then I let them get on to enjoy the show.

I then prepared lunch for the 5 of us. The weather was nice until the afternoon. I decided after lunch to go for a walk round part of the show. Explored about a third of it. I bought a few things. Returned to camp at about 3.30 and eventually sat down, when it started to rain. A good excuse to shelter under the tent with my laptop. Managed to write just over 1000 words before I needed to start cooking dinner.

Spicy bean chilli, followed by marshmallows toasted on the fire. It has clearer up and is now a lovely evening. There is a hoolie tonight so loud live music from over the way to entertain us!

Jon launched even more canoes today - 109 with 265 people. I was amazed it was more than yesterday. A very busy one.

Hoping for a drier warmer day tomorrow- but we are in Scotland so feeling lucky so far!

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