Royal Highland Show, Edinburgh

After 4 nights in the caravan - camping civilised, we are now set up at the show, ready for the next 4 days. It has been a long slow day, but after a trekking round East Lothian picking up wood, then canoes we eventually got to the showground at 2pm.

Jon and I put up our new tent. This replaces our tepee which after leaking on us last year, we decided was past it. It had a lot of years use, when we were at Wandlebury where it would stay up through all weather, for a whole summer. This new canvas tent is a nice design and This is its first outing. We expect rain tonight, so it will be a good test. Jon bought me a proper camp bed, and I have many creature comforts. The location is lovely, by this small lake/giant pond. Visitors to the show will enjoy canoeing, firelighting and displays of other bushcraft activities with us. The show is vast, and I'm looking forward to visiting the other exhibitors, and parades in the various rings. We are in the outdoors section, so if you are visiting, come and say hello!!

Feeling tired, so we have phoned ahead for a curry, and Dave's other helper Jamie has gone to pick it up. I think I'll sleep well tonight!

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