David J. Rose

By djrose007

During and After

Half-way through a job today and realised I hadn't taken a 'Before' photo, hence the 'During and After' title.
The girls have been having difficulty in getting their bikes through our pathway to the road. I cut back the bushes to try to make it easier but they said it's too steep, and it was particularly in one bit.
so out with the fork, to loosen the hard packed earth, a spade and rake to gather up the old gravel and try to level it out. It was always going to be difficult but Marlane came to the rescue again by suggesting we put a bit of 4x4 across the path, leaving enough room for the gate of course, and that would raise up the back part of the path. My electric saw came in very useful again, probably one of the best things I ever bought, and we cut it down to size. I had some old cement powder that was still dry, sand in the children's sand pit, and gravel galore to make it into concrete rather than mortar. We finished it off with 10-30mm grey slate, that we just happened to have a few spare bags of.
It was hard work but it looks so much better and hoping the girls find it easier.
History of this side path started when we moved in, 28 years ago. The company that built the houses had planted small bushes, about six inches high at the time, but we made a path through to the road so our girls could get to the road quicker to catch the school bus. The bushes have grown enormously but we've always kept the patch clear. A few years ago I got my Brother in Law, a carpenter by trade, to put in a gate to the path, and to the vegetable garden, so it was a bit more secure. 

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