David J. Rose

By djrose007

Make-up and Baby Snail

Oh, the joys in having granddaughters! The one of me doesn't really show the purple lipstick and the purple underneath the eyes. My thumbnails are also purple nail varnish.
When I looked in a mirror it looked like someone had given me black eyes!
Julia, God bless her, ordered a make up set each for the girls. As Hendrix, Buddy, Ruby and Eric had all gone home there was only myself and Marlane left to practice their make up skills. Must admit that Marlane looked a lot better than I did at the end of it, her eyebrows were particularly well done whereas mine a bit of look like a blotch on the landscape!

The other photo, I think, is lovely. Not totally sure but I think it's Hetty. She was using my 'Stanley' tape measure and noticed a tiny snail hiding in the belt clasp. I managed to gently shake it out onto her hand. The head came out and it looked up at her face with it's little eye stalks. I think it was saying "Thank you for getting me out of that hole".

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