
By carliewired

92 F/ 33 C

I love the magic 
of morning light as the sun
creeps into our world


I was out on Mission Flats just before 5:30. I drove to the end of the road as the light was coming up. 

I looked to the osprey nest but no activity there for me to see. I turned around to start back to the bridge keeping an eye out for any sign of eagles. There were none to be found. I suspect the river is too fast and murky for any hunting these days. They must be up on the lakes above the city. 

I took a panorama of the delta and the river. I got a shot of my mountains looking across the river and Rabbit Island. I made a short stop to admire the weeds along the road's edge. They are in abundance right now due to all the rain we've had. My worry is they will soon turn to tinder once our Kamloops heat comes on. Fire has become a constant concern in our summers. 

I'm home with coffee in hand. There's a chicken to go into the crockpot, then it's back to the paperwork for the day. 

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