
By flavia13


Had little sleep last night, my fault really.  I was so enjoying having a summer's day at last that I went for a walk around the block without  a hat.  It was all fine but the final stretch is uphill on a road with the heat coming up off the tarmac and concrete as well and I got too hot.  It always affects me like that I'm afraid, but because of the nice gentle breeze and it not being far I thought I'd be alright.  Lesson learnt.

Still apart from feeling rather yuk this morning, due to the tiredness now, I'm fine again, slight headache but that's probably the tiredness.

So I haven't done much.  Popped into the garden and the astrantia was abuzz with these wee flying things enjoying their lunch so that's today's blip and an entry for Flower Friday, with many thanks to BikerBear for hosting.

Do take care and stay safe, I will see you all tomorrow.

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