Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


I wish I could tell you that I carefully planned this shot, but the reality is that the butterfly landed on some milkweed where I had been photographing some bees, right in front of me.  The light was shining through the wings and, to my eye, it looked interesting.  The deep shade behind the Cabbage White Butterfly read on the sensor as black, which adds to the image in my opinion.  So, I am adding this non-native butterfly to my 2024 Yard Bugs list.  I also got some shots of a beautiful Great Spanged Fritillary - see Extra.

Today is the hottest so far of our heat wave - over 90 F and humidity rising.  Honestly, it is unpleasant to be outside for more that 15 minutes so I've attended to some household chores instead.  Drudgery.

I had my appointment with the allergist today and, to my surprise, I am not allergic to anything.  The doctor wonders if I had some sort of long-running virus that was causing some of the symptoms.  This week has definitely been better which I attributed to a decline in tree pollen.  We did discuss appropriate things to treat the symptoms which include Flonase and Zyrtec.  Sounds reasonable to me.

Jax is at day care today although I know they are limiting the play time because of the extreme heat - still, he will have gotten some time with his bestie, Sasha, and will hopefully come home tired.  

Switched out fresh strawberries for chocolate today although I may still add a square of dark.


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