Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Laser Focus

I spent an enjoyable morning with a new friend out in the garden, photographing birds and chatting.  I met her when I was doing PT - she is one of the therapists there - and we discovered that we both loved photography.  I was hoping she would get a chance to photograph the downy woodpeckers feeding their young but, as luck would have it, the woodpeckers seem to forcing their young to fend for themselves.  Never the less, we had some decent hummer action along with various and assorted other birds and insects.  And of course, as she was packing up her gear to leave and mine was not in reach, a Great Crested Flycatcher landed right in front of us for a quick moment.  It has been several years since I've gotten a shot of one of these big flycatchers, even though they are in the woods every summer.  Oh well, at least we saw it.

It has been another hot day with rising humidity so I was happy to spend the afternoon indoors in the air con.  At least 2 more days of intense heat and humidity here before it (hopefully) breaks.  

Today's photo is, I believe, the first male hummer I've blipped this summer.  In the last week, the hummingbirds numbers have jumped, most likely the result of nestlings fledging.  Whatever the case, I'm delighted and plan to enjoy them to the fullest.

Mom and dad seem to be recovered from the "ick" and have been back out walking the last few days.  Very happy about that.

Happy Hump Day.


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