
By HareBrain

Walltown Crags

Another wonderful day, dry and sunny.  We had a saver ticket for admission not only to Vindolanda, Roman village and Fort, which we visited on Monday, but which also included the Roman Army Museum  where we went today.  A great follow on from Vindalanda..  Cuppa in the cafe and when we left who did we bump into but the couple we met having 'Tea on the train' in Bellingham on Tuesday.  They are travelling further up North tomorrow, as we are, so we might bump into them again?!

Then off to walk even just a little stretch of Hadrian's Wall which  we found in three places:  first at Walltown Crags, my blip, where we met a lovely couple of serious walkers: Charles from Alaska and his  walking partner Laura from Switzerland.  Both currently doing their Masters at Durham but taking time out to enjoy their long Hadrian's Walk. We climbed  up to admire the spectacular views, then drove onwards to Cawfields Quarry and finally Steel Rigg.  We saw the  infamous Sycamore Gap from the car but sadly couldn't stop to get a photo, what a terrible business, who could do something like that??  

Extras: Cawfields Quarry, Steel Rigg, Charles & Laura, Ladies&GentsloosintheRomanArmyMuseum!

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