
By GenuineBlip

Bringing a Bit of Italy Home

We made it safely through the twilight zone of travel back home.  Direct flight from Rome to San Francisco: 12 hours, 4 movies, 0 winks of sleep.  Early Bird shuttled us over the Santa Cruz mountains - I dozed in the back seat while fans on the radio praised 93 year-old baseball legend Willie Mays (RIP, Willie), and the brilliant pink sunset sky held the big moon with a rosy glow.  So glad I was not driving! Yesterday morphed into today, as I slowly unpacked and slowly approached the west coast time zone.  By bedtime (what time is it really?) I was absolutely blipless.  I failed to take any pictures of the grey, foggy Santa Cruz morning or of my ‘Breakfast at Zachary’s’ - artichoke frittata, with home-baked oatmeal molasses bread, home-fried potatoes, a side of fresh salsa - which I’ve been ordering since they opened in 1985.  No pictures of the yard, hanging laundry, or the grocery expedition to New Leaf.  I never considered a single photo opportunity. Not until I was shuffling past the dining room on my way to bed.
Ok, what’s blippable? The unpacked Italy souvenirs were piled on the dining room table.  There you go…the blip are two of my Perugia purchases: Perugina ‘Baci’ chocolates and the woven piece of Perugina tablecloth (medieval replica) as a more affordable ‘coaster’.

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