
By GenuineBlip

Ceramiche Umbria Artiginale

I’m still feeling sleep deprived.  It feels like the grey, heavy Santa Cruz morning fog has settled on my brain.  I push myself and my leaden legs through the day.  Today is Thursday and  a great day for me to resume my ‘normal social’ activities: morning yoga and afternoon Mah Jongg.  My yoga classmates warmly welcomed me back with lots of hugs, and I was heartened that a couple of yoga buddies had enthusiastically followed my blips!  I confess that I had neglected my yoga practice in Italy, and set up my mat in a corner to gently get back into the swing of things.  The Mah Jongg mavens provided another love fest. Our group is glued together by laughter provoked by wicked, silly humor and rooted in tender-hearted kindness.  Even though I was jet lagged, hadn’t played for months, nor seen the new card yet, I managed to win one game. In fact, we each won one game, altruistically cheering each other. How great is that?!   I got back home to the arrival of another bit of Italy - the shipment of Deruta ceramics we purchased in Umbria - in perfect condition (blip).  Nourished by the warmth of friendship, but physically and mentally fatigued, I laid down at 4:30 pm to “rest my eyes’, and pretty much stayed horizontal for the rest of the night.

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