
By JanetMayes


The saskatoons are ripening - I must hurry to get them netted before the birds eat them all. I think I've already lost the redcurrants, because I've not been outside checking things often enough in the past couple of weeks. The fruit bed is overgrown with long grass and bindweed, so I will need to do a lot of clearing around the fruit bushes before I can get the netting on.

The achievement I was most pleased with today was completing the topping and tailing of a large bowl of defrosted gooseberries, having removed the many little bags and pots which had accumulated in the freezer over a number of years because we never have enough to make anything. The preparation was extremely tedious, and I struggled to be mindful rather than impatient, but now that it is done I can make my favourite gooseberry and elderflower jam.                                                                          

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