
By JanetMayes


I was happy to find this among the jungle at the back of the house. It a rather messy, straggly shape, putting out shoots between other things, the scent is gorgeous, and I may be able to improve it if I can remove some of the surrounding growth. I was sad that a hugely overgrown philadelphus in the area which is now our patio had to be removed to allow access for the new large window last year. It was blocking the view and in the way and had long outgrown its space, but the flowers and scent were wonderful.

I had a useful day: my leg has continued to improve, with fewer periods of pain and mostly just a dull ache, so I'm managing to do more around the house, and I enjoyed the monthly afternoon chat and catch-up with Quaker friends, some of whom have now moved far away, over knitting on Zoom.

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