
By ArcLight


It was a bit annoying that the first day of warmer and dry weather coincided with my having to head back to Edinburgh. I was working all day as well, although I managed a couple of outings into the garden during breaks. We enjoyed a cup of our own mint tea sitting out in the afternoon. 

The honeysuckle, which was one of the first plants we (actually Mr A) bought for the front garden has done very well this year. I have always wanted a honeysuckle, and now we have one. And, no, it doesn't seem to have much fragrance, but then I've not had much of a sense of smell ever since my first bout of covid in December 2021.

It was a good job we had plans to drive into Inverness, rather than my taking the train from Tain, as the train I planned to take was cancelled and I would have had to take an alternative bus transport instead. Anyway, we had already decided to drive into Inverness, as Mr A wanted to collect the TV he bought the other day from Curry's. In fact, we made two visits to Curry's. The second one was to pick up Mr A's phone which he managed to leave behind on the counter. That was nearly a big mishap and just lucky that he realised he didn't have it when we got to the station, which is only five minutes away.

I had an easy journey on the 1852 back to Edinburgh, which always seems to be quiet. Lovely light and views both from the train and later from the tram I transferred to at Haymarket. Again, the transfer was seamless. I then walked through the park, as I did last time, a few weeks ago, and that too was easy because it was basically still pretty light.

I'm only back for a couple of days, but they are pretty busy days in prospect, so I had better head for bed soon.

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