
By pensionspoet

Royal Highland Show day 0

Because today is the setting up day.

We were up and packed by 9. Round to Dave’s who is the owner of ‘Tree-ditions’ a woodworking and country crafts company based just outside Edinburgh. We spent a couple of hours packing up the trailer, fixed down canoes before heading to the show ground. We got there at about 1.30 and have been so lucky with the weather all day. Perfect for pitching tents and lighting fires.

That took most of the afternoon. I sorted out ‘the kitchen’ and lit a fire. Boiled water for tea and washing up, and we cooked a pre made venison stew for dinner.

I am typing this at 10.30 and it is still light outside!! I’m ready for my bed, but Jon and Dave are still setting stuff up. It will be an early start tomorrow and I’ve done my duties for the day, so getting into my sleeping bag. Looking forward to 4 more sunny, busy days!

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