
A long day in Edinburgh today. We have been incredibly lucky with the weather. It rained heavily for most of the night, but was beautiful today. I took a chance and just wore a cardi. I only have a heavier raincoat with me.

I was woken early with my hay-fever (odd because of all the rain) and read my book. We ended up getting up at just after 7. Ready to go out at about 8.20 we walked the 5 minutes from the campsite to the bus stop. Very regular buses, and at 8.30 were were heading into Edinburgh on a bus that seemed to stop every few hundred metres! On stretches of straight road you could see the next stop from the last one, they were close. But we sat at the front and enjoyed the view. Along the coast, up through a suburb of Edinburgh called Portabello - or maybe it is another small town - but it was quite nice and right by the sea with its own bay.

At Edinburgh we did a bit of shopping, then headed to the museum of Scotland, where we made a bee line for the cafe, where we had coffee and scones to set ourselves up for the day. Then a couple or 3 hours in the museum. We didn't see it all, but will return on our next visit to Scotland.

Then a walk back to find somewhere nice for lunch. The photos show the spot we chose, overlooking Grassmarket. We were up where the umberellas are in the photo. I had bacon and avocado salad. Jon had haggis stuffed chicken breast and veg, and we shared some amazing hand made chips.

We continued to wander - up and down the Royal Mile, through the small lanes, down to Holyrood and in a big circuit. 20,000 steps worth of walking in all.

We ended our day with a takeaway cup of tea, overlooking the gardens, and on the way out to the bus, I saw this amazing floral arrangement to celebrate 100 years of the flying Scotsman. More in extras.

Bus got us back at about 7.30. Had a quick facetime catch up with Mollie and Henry. All good at home. Feeling shattered. I think it's going to be another early night!

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