Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Bee good

A similar pattern weather-wise - overcast to begin with, but fairly warm and sunny later. Did a bit of gardening, then sat out with a book for a while before climbing back up the ladder to do some more weeding!
I have a metal seat opposite the front door where I put any potted plant that's looking good. I have some lilies about to flower, a lovely Primula capitata ‘Noverna’ and this Allium moly. A bee of some sort was making a meal of it. (Just looked it up - I think it's a Common Carder Bee.)
I had a physio appointment at the hospital this afternoon, and by the time I got home the sun was out, so more sitting outside!
Quote of the Day: ‘If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left’. - Albert Einstein. 

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