An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Father's Day...

I had a slow start to the day.  Hip has been sore so took painkillers at bedtime which knocked me out.  Thankfully D and P could fend for themselves.

Miraculously D gave his dad his Father's Day gifts (normally it takes two or three days before Alan agrees to hand them over :-)) Lola was keen to help him unwrap them. She got some wrapping paper to tear up.

Sunday lunch was booked at The Cairn for 2pm so we headed there and enjoyed some rather fine food.  I resisted the apple crumble that D and P enjoyed for dessert but did have a scoop of vanilla ice cream, which was lovely.

Back home for an evening of Columbo and golf.  We know how to spoil our guests!  
The golf got very exciting and tense with Rory McIlory and Bryson DeChambeau slugging it out for the Trophy.  P left to head home not long from the end.  Couldn't take the pressure!  ;-))  D and I watched to the end.  Great win for Bryson but felt so sorry for Rory, which says a lot for me as I am generally not his biggest fan.

A lovely weekend and great to see P.  Won't be as long till our next get together.

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