An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Biblical rain...

Oh my heavens it rained with a vengeance today!  Not all day thankfully, but a large part of it and the kind of rain I call Hollywood / cartoon rain.  You're in it for 20 seconds and soaked through to the skin!

We went to Dobbie's in Stirling.  Thankfully the rain eased as we got into the car and when we got out of it again.  Normally I can set my watch to when it's going to rain as it generally coincides with when I leave the house or car!

Enjoyed a wander around Dobbies and some purchases made (will be blipped at some point :-) 

On the way home we passed a terrible accident on the A9.  A car was on its roof on the grass bank on the south bound carriageway.  The ambulances had taken the casualties and it was just the police managing the traffic.  I hope those involved are ok.  

Made Bakewell blondies for our visitor tomorrow.  It required a 23cm square cake tin and I only had a 20cm one, so baked it for longer.  Slightly too long I think!  It has to cool in the tin so will cut it tomorrow morning and hope for the best.

Smoked haddock risotto for dinner.  Delish :-) followed by the US Open.  

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