
By flavia13


A very busy day today.  Started off with my usual, and much needed, QiGong session.  Then after coffee Malcolm from the U3A Digital Camera Club called to ask if I could go round to his place this afternoon and take with the photos I used with the presentation on Snapseed for the URC's open day on Saturday.  

So I quickly found the files and transfer them to a USB stick ready.  Then I did the ironing that was needed to be done.  Most of it is done now, just a few  items left in the airing cupboard - yeah!!

I then popped into the garden to find a blip and found this hoverfly enjoying his lunch on Senecio Vernalis, so that was that sorted.

Now go to finish this Blip, comment your amazing blips and then scoot round to Malcolm's before coming back for the evening meal!!!

That's it for me for today, do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow/

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