
By flavia13


As I've got a busy time coming up I thought we would take a day off today and I would take Hubby up to Broughton-in-Furness to do that lovely Railway Line walk.  

We went down The Moses (the B5278) then joined the A590 at Haverthwaite to Greenodd. Then joined the A5092 and A595 turning off up the C5009 arriving about 10.15 and parked down Station Road again.  Light traffic but it was difficult to park even though there was no auction today.  Still we did managed so all was well.

We then went to the Square Cafe for a coffee, hubby had a bacon bap as he was tempted by the waitress who described it to him.  I had half a piece of Borrowdale Tea Bread with cheese (I bought the other half home with me!! as it was rather a large slice).  It was delicious and so full of fruit with no peel yeah!!!

Then we went on our walk.  Met very few people today, one solitary jogger, one older couple with a pushchair by the second lake obviously enjoying a walk with a grandchild and that was it.  

 Now somehow I missed the first lake, probably paying too much attention to the greenery and vegetation on the side of the path!!!

We decided to walk further along that the pinch stile but it seemed to go on for ever.  We really enjoyed that walk though, down a narrow lane with glimpses of lovely views between the trees.  I don't know how much further that track went so we turned back.  

I managed to get over that stile again, it's fine it's just a bit of a drop down the other side really.  Then we walked up the hill to get a different shot of Broughton Tower (see extras).

We saw this thing moving on the grass and it was quite long and we thought it was a pig.  You'll never guess what it was - a robotic lawn mower LOL!!!!!

As we were walk along the other side of the lake we heard a splash and a commotion and on looking we saw this  dog (a spaniel type I think)  jumping in the water chasing a duck (See extras).  It was OK he was with someone and they called him back, to which he obeyed.

We then completed the walk and headed back home.  We got a slight hold up on the A590 near Haverthwaite as there was a large-ish tailback, apparently just road works.  

We went to Brooke Supplies for a light lunch and a browse before we got home.  

That's all for today.  Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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