I feel quite a bit better today.  The morning started off being nice and cool, then it came over a bit muggy but till quite cloudy, now it's muggy but raining, so if we could have a couple of days of a really good soak tyat would freshen things up a bit

Thank you all so much for your very kind comments when I was feeling so yuk yesterday.

I did manage to clean the bathrooms today, slowly but I did them - yeah!!

Then I watched a part of the King's Offical B|irthday celebrations, epecially the flypast.  Now I'm not going to over do it as I have a slight headache again, npthing much just a niggle but no point making it worse.

I popped into the garden to take a photo of our first hydrangea to start blooming this year for a blip.

Do take care everyone and stay safe and I will see  you all tomorrow.

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