
By JackyMT

Through the roof

of the conservatory. for blip challenge looking up.

A lovely start to the day warm and sunny, we took the dog then decided to wash the car, just got it done and putting stuff away when the first spots of rain was felt, then the big spots then the thunder and lightening and the sky's opened and it bucketed down, The poor cat came in like a bat out of hell emitting a loud yeeeooow and shot under the settee. it lasted a good half hour then passed over and the skys cleared and back to a beautiful day, which is now a lovely evening.

I did get a few bits potted up and have put them down the fence in the front garden, Geraniums, Cosmos (I am trying in a tub,) a Penstemon  and some Zinnias I had already planted in a pot Paula put some of her fuchsias in hanging baskets they look nice in the greenhouse

Another weekend gone,  Hope yours was a good one.

Today was Graces 13th Birthday, not seen her, but it doesn't seem 13 years since the frantic call from her big sister Katie, "Grandma, the baby is nearly here will you pick me up from school and take me over". 
Me "OK have you got a pass from Teacher" 
Katie "Yes" 
 me OK where shall we pick you up" 
Katie "Main Gates" 
me Right you go there and wait" 
Katie "I'm there already, hurry up".
Baby Grace was not born for another 3 hours. Katies face when she held her new baby sister for the first time was pure joy. (Katie was about 17 at the time)

Tomorrow is a busy day, Shopping, Tanzy Vet and me Podiatrist..

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