
By JackyMT

Philadelphus, Mock Orange

coming into bloom, always lovely and fragrant.

We managed a dry walk, but it started to rain mid morning and has rained most of the day.

We watched the trooping of the colour, the skys opened as they set off back to the palace, those poor guardsmen were soaked.
I felt so sorry for them I know how it must have been because my cousin Rodney was a Grenadier Guard for many years, and he used to say how when they were on duty and it rained they would be soaked to the skin, after he retired, he became a fireman but ill health in the form of Rheumatoid Arthritis took him and he eventually became wheelchair bound. The doctors said it was probably the frequent soakings and being in wet clothes for long periods of time that were a contributory factor. He was in the band and could play any instrument, He was Drum Sargent Major but his Arthritis affected his hands and he couldn't play anymore which upset him. So I felt sorry for them all getting so wet.

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