Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

Midnight Bar-b-Cue

During the week we were in a bar in Stavros (Ithaca, Ionian Islands, Greece) and with our friends and host got invited to a bar-b-cue by their friend Mark Comninos

We arrived at his house to watch the sun setting over Kefalonia (see main) and met with some of his friends and other people we know. The grill wasn't lit until late and it was about 11.30pm before the cooked meat was ready!!! Good job there was salads and other bits and bobs to eat.

Another lovely person who arrived that we've met previously was Theresa Patricios who last June set a new world record for the world's toughest row - rowing across the Pacific (2,800 miles in 34 days 8 hours). The link gives more information if your're interested and the extra is her (Right) with Agatha.

The other extra is of Mark Comninos talking to some there, another Mrs BB and friend Zoe, and the last extra is of friend Aki taking the chicken off the bar-b-cue about 11.30pm - not his fault - it was Mark's as he lit it so late!

We got in in the early hours after a good night and luckily could sleep in late as we're on holiday!

Lens used:   Voigtlander Nokton 40mm F1.2 (manual focus)

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