Living my dream

By Mima

Dog in a winter paddock

The sun has returned to us  today, and yesterday's dripping washing has been steadily drying. I made the most of the clement weather and hung out another load of sheets to dry as well.

This is a bit of an insurance against the forecast for the week ahead of rain, more rain and even more rain. As always I will be amazed if it actually falls in the amounts predicted. But I'd rather be sure the washing is done and dusted before the potential deluges start.

Bean and I had a lovely brisk walk to Paradise Gully Road where the shadows are almost at their zenith for the year (and the sun at its nadir). The Solstice is just five days away. I am counting...

The sun hasn't brought much warmth, so now the potbelly stove is alight and Bean is prone in front of it. I have been pottering about cutting up quilting squares from scrap fabric left after various sewing  projects. The next patchwork cushion cover will more idiosyncratic (aka imperfectly perfect) than usual. 

I am about head into the garden to prune some of the fruit trees. I've been studying them for a couple of weeks, deciding where to make the cuts. Today is the day to start. It is always a satisfying job, and one which will keep me warm.

There is only so much time I can spend indoors before I get antsy and need to do stuff.

Bean will probably supervise from her lookout position, less than a metre from the stove.

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