
By SparseRunner


Today I got up late, and A was already out with Django, so I drifted upstairs. Now that we've got all but one of the abstracts for the workshop, I decided it was time to decide on the schedule. This brought the whole event so much more alive. As well as communicating the schedule to participants and more broadly on LinkedIn, I also started work on preparing the tutorial I'll be giving. There were distractions, such as the Switzerland Vs Hungary game, and the departure time London "for a good while" of daughter L. 

A very heavy thunderstorm was the final straw in terms of going to the food festival at Dalkeith Country Park, but then it cleared up beautifully so, In the early evening, I walked Django in the estate. 

With daughter K out this evening, we'll see how our nearby Italian restaurant is, under new management. It's not changed from our point of view.

I had to smile at Scotland's cricket team having hopes of knocking England out of the World T20 Championship due to rain preventing England from beating Namibia. However, it relented, and England got a thumping victory, so now Scotland have to beat Australia to progress. Australia will play to win - it's in their blood. I can still imagine there being moments when hopes of a glorious Scottish victory will be raised.

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