Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Meadow Brown

Ha!  Today I got my butterfly.  Only a meadow brown, but the first I've seen this year and rather lovely in all that green and with the blue of the alkanet flowers. 

(BTW I've also now unravelled a puzzle: why is this plant called 'green alkanet' when you'd have thought it should obviously be called 'blue alkanet'?  I had guessed it perhaps produced a green dye, but not at all - it used to be called 'evergreen alkanet' and the only dye that was ever extracted from it was red, from its roots).

I left the house before 6am this morning.  The sky was clear and absolutely beautiful.  I stayed very local and found the butterfly in Hilliers' Haven near the clothes recycling bin (such a romantic location).  By the time I got home for breakfast, something like an hour later the clouds were piling up and we have had intermittant fierce showers all through the day.  That was enough, I'm afraid, to stop me gardening, but I did do some food shopping and some pleasant lounging about reading.

All I have left to accomplish is commenting on your wonderful journals, eating supper (which K will cook) and doing the washing up.  Oh joy!

Hope your weekend's going well  xx

PS: WFW24_11 ends at midnight tonight.  From tomorrow we roll over to WFW24_12

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