Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


These are such funny little creatures.  They always remind me of a cross between an roedeer and a piglet ;))  This one's a male and I caught up with him on Tom's track this morning, needing to get back into the reserve but also not quite daring to come into the open to cross the path.  They are very shy little animals.  I see them occasionally but rarely get a clear enough view to blip one.

What can I tell you about them?  Only that they come from China and were introduced into Woburn Park in the Twentieth Century, instantly to escape and breed right across southern England.  I think they're seen as a bit of a menace for their scrub clearance abilities (though probably not as much of a menace in that regard as humans!)

So a lovely walk this morning, then home to breakfast, a little cleaning and tidying around the house, and a wonderfully peaceful afternoon (so far at least).  What a treat!

Have a fantastic weekend, lovely blippers  xx

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