
By carliewired

62 F/ 17 C

Huddled in doorways
with bikes and grocery carts, 
the homeless are seen


My security system pulled another wobbly last evening. This time it started buzzing at 11:30 PM waking me up. I hit zero on the keypad and the noise stopped. I must find a better and more permanent solution. 

This morning I was out the door at 5:30. Other than light vehicle traffic, the only people I see on my jaunt are the homeless. I cannot imagine how I would cope without a roof over my head. 

I drove into McArthur Island Park and went straight to the south side where I could be sure to find marmots. This generation seems skittish. They keep close to the river bank and will disappear in an instant. 

I drove into the parking lot behind the Immigrant Services building. I'd noticed a long mural there driving by. The empty lot gave me the opportunity to have a good look. I have a portion of it, with spawning sockeye salmon and a tree I interpret as the Tree of Life. 

Our weather has cooled dramatically again. My A/C which usually is in use by the end of April, has yet to be turned on. The high mountain passes in our region have been given a snow warning for this weekend. I've not heard this before in June. We might expect some rain in the valleys this Father's Day weekend. It is preferable to forest fires. I won't complain. 

I'm inside with paperwork to keep me occupied. A nap would be nice.

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