
By flavia13


Went into town this morning to do some shopping.  I had to go into the Post Office to drop off a return parcel.  As I came out there was a gentleman with a young scruffle type dog, cute so of course I said hello.  The man then went into the Post Office leaving the dog tethered to the post.  The poor dog was very young and was obviously in some distress, she kept trying to run into where she knew her Dad had gone, and barked a little.  She looked at me with huge great big eyes, so I just stayed with her until he returned.  She came up close to me so you can tell she was stressed.  The young man thanked me, but well it was a pleasure.  Poor wee thing.  She was so overjoyed to see him she virtually jumped  right into his arms!!!  

I then went for a walk down to the station and onto the Prom where I tried to photograph what the weather was doing today.  It was just cloud on the left, some light but on the right coming in was quite dark clouds.

On the way back up to meeting Hubby I had a quick look in the Foxes Den shop, as you do, I have my eye on a couple of things, but didn't succumb today.

Once we'd had our brunch we came home and caught up with the King's Birthday Parade.  Fabulous.  What a shame about how wet it was, but as if by magic just as the flypast was due to happen blue skies appeared - BRILLIANT.

It was good to see HRH Catherine there, that must have taken a lot for her to do.  Both His Majesty and Princess Kate are looking good. 

I've now got a lot of photography stuff to sort out so that is it for today. do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

Oh I've put together a collage (see extras) of some of the things I saw on my day out to the Ribblehead Viaduct last Tuesday, 'cos there was such a lot more than just steam trains, including playing peep-baa with a lamb!!!  Hopeyou like it.  

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