IT'S TOO DARN HOT................

Anyway as the U3A camera club had a meet up at Leighton Moss today, because of my suggestion I thought I ought to go.  My friend Sandy from the club lives just round the corner from me and she needs a little help with steps so we went together.

I'm so glad it was the morning.  We caught the train and, believe it or not, it was relatively on time.  We were in Leighton Moss just after it opened.

We had a cold drink to start with and let the gang go off to do what they needed to do and we just stayed in the first little sheltered hut that we came  to. Then we walked on through shaded areas to the Lilian Hide.  Saw a few birds, just geese and their offspring, a couple of swans, a coot and a duck.  Then walked back.  All the way back there were damselflies (blue ones) darting around.  I managed to take a photo  of one that stayed on the ground for a rest and I thought that was it.

On returning to the first little gazebo  type place we stayed in there for shelter.  Met some lovely people on holiday, staying in Allithwaite and had come over train with their two gorgeous dogs (the dogs were a couple!!!).  Anyway one of them said ooh look there is a dragonfly.  Well I turned and first of all I thought it was a little statue so ignored it.  The I spotted movemet and looked the camera and saw THIS.

YIPPEEEE - It was a REAL DRAGONFLY and it seems to love this stick.  It kept flying off but coming back to rest  on this stick.  I took loads of photos of it (see extrs for just a few). 

Anyway is this the best dragonfly shot ever taken - NO - it is the best dragonfly photo ever taken by  me - YESSSSSS.  So I'm soooo chuffed as I have a thing about dragonflies and have broaches, sideboard runners, ornaments and even duvet covers with them on, but I've never managed to photograph one before.  

Anyway it was soooo hot so we both decided we'd had enough and caught the 12.17 train back.  It's only 4 stops and is by far the cheapest and most ergonomic way  of travelling to Leighton Moss.  The train was 10 minutes late, but as it had come from Mancchester Airport not too bad.  The only trouble is the only shady spot on Silvedale station was on the other platform!!!  So I stood under some bushes!!!! I was so glad I had put on insect repellant as well as Factor 50 this morning.

Anyway I'm back anddo  feel  a bit yuck and headachey because of the heat that all I'm doing, apart from processing these few photos  is reading, drink and sleeping. I will catch up on your blips either later or  tomorrow.

Do take care out there in that strong sun everyone, keep cool and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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