
By PicturePoems

Sweet Peas

I have flowers on the kitchen window sill that are all homegrown: sweet peas, love-in-a-mist, Canterbury bells and lavender. (See Extra.) This is a close-up of one of the sweet-peas that I grew from seed over winter.

Can't believe I have yet another migraine this evening. (It is particularly painful if and when I cough!) Spent much of the day in sunglasses indoors, as I feared there was a threat. Then snoozed this afternoon, to try and head it off. Didn't go in the garden to pick flowers till after it'd rained, so it wasn't too bright. Then, despite all my precautions, the aura set in around 7pm, followed by a headache. All I've achieved today is to do a pile of ironing - and that didn't cause my migraine. Grrrr!

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