
By PicturePoems


For Ingeborg's Abstract Thursday challenge of 'shapes' I've chosen turkeytail fungi growing on a lopped tree-trunk in our garden (my Extra). I've cropped it square, rotated it though ninety degrees, and changed the colour to shades of blue. I like the shapes - hope you do, too.

A lovely morning line-dancing in Grantham, but soon after getting home, I had a migraine aura - lost vision replaced by bright lights and zigzag lines. Took Migraleve and had a sleep in a darkened room. Woke up with no headache, so that was good. Don't understand what's causing these attacks. (I wasn't looking at a screen!) They're so debilitating! Such a waste of life! But, at least without a headache, I was able to pick up where I left off after my snooze!

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