Yellow and Blue

A haven of yellow-eyed grass (Sisyrinchium striatum) and blue love-in-the-mist (Nigella damascena) in our front garden, amongst lots of other colourful flowers! This is the garden that keeps on giving. The flowers attracted a Brimstone butterfly at one point, but it didn't stay long enough for a photo.

Slept well last night. Woke early. Did Wordle in two! First two for a long time after several tricky ones like 'ennui' and words I've never heard of, such as 'plunk'. 

Accompanied Mrs B on a clothes-shopping trip. I pushed the pushchair round while she was able to try on clothes. Little boy is seven months old today and was very well behaved. He lay back contentedly, admiring all the different colours and people-watching, and occasionally seeing himself and Granny C in a mirror. He's such a happy little chap! 

We stopped for lunch, too. I had an enormous buttered cheese scone and coffee, while my daughter had tea and a baked potato. The Young Master had some of his mum's baked potato, mashed with a little butter and grated cheese. He likes this weaning business!! As long as the solids are washed down with Mum's milk!

Hot sunshine again, and a pleasant breeze! It's being a lovely day! Mr PP gave the car its bi-annual wash while we were out. He does a thorough job. Trouble is: when it's all nice and clean the birds show no respect. Doubt it'll stay pristine for long.

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