Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


We, or should I say, I, was a bit late pruning our Clematis “Blue Angel” this year, due to lots of different things, but I gave it a really good “haircut” in early April, and told it that it had two chances!   

It obviously worked, because it is now covered in buds and I was thrilled to see today that several flowers were either completely open or on their way to opening. 

You know I often show a flower from “bud to blossom” and I hope that you will enjoy seeing this gorgeous Clematis.  

Apologies for not getting round to any commenting yesterday - I had rather a distressing afternoon about something completely different, and couldn’t even think about driving to the doctors’ surgery as I was so upset, so Mr. HCB kindly took me - what a treasure he is! 

When I saw my doctor, I must confess, she was a little dismissive when I said I did not want to go on statins.  However, I have agreed a plan of action with her;   I will continue to stick to my new Eating Plan, hope to lose more weight and then she has advised me to book a further blood test in October - the earliest I can have one on the NHS - to see if my cholesterol is lower.  

Thank you to everyone for their kind comments and support during this seemingly endless time - I am so grateful to you all.  M xx 

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