Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Galium Carpet Moth

Epirrhoe galiata

My visit to the butterfly reserve yesterday was with the sole intention of getting a WidWed entry, but when I got home I confess I felt rather cheated without any butterfly shots.  So today I went back and came home with shots of - a moth!  I believe it's a Galium Carpet Moth.  There's a pic of the topsides of it wings in extras.  And unless your Latin is a great deal better than mine, you might be interested to know that 'Galium' refers to it's caterpillars' food plants: bedstraws.

No,I don't think I'll go back tomorrow, but you never know ;))  Besides there is a certain 'rightness' to getting a moth shot today as I'm currently in the middle of reading Much Ado About Mothing (James Lowen).  If you enjoy nature writing it's a good read.

Not a lot else.  The day began reasonably brightly but by this afternoon it had become grey and cold - c'mon June!!  And I spent too much of the day doing boring paperwork and form-filling and getting some horrible official passport-type head-and-shoulders shots from a machine in Smiths.  Yuk!!

Enjoy your evening, lovely blipfriends  xx

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