Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


I didn't need any shopping today so I decided to stay at home and get on with some chores.  Easier said than done as I couldn't really be bothered to do much in the end.  I did have a bit of a sort out in a spare bedroom packing away winter jumpers, woolly hats, scarves and gloves.  I got some T shirts and hoodies out of storage and washed them.  Filled a bag with stuff for the charity shop - mostly clothes that don't fit me any more.

The Wide Wednesday theme today is " your weather ".  The weather here today was dull and nondescript.  It didn't rain.  We had a bit of sunshine.  It was chilly.  This shot of the cloudy sky is the best I could come up with.  Ive added an Extra which shows what Tino thought of the weather.  Instead of going outdoors he snuggled up underneath the throw on the sofa.  Sensible cat. Thanks to jensphotos for hosting the challenge.

Steps today - 6,209

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