Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Walked down to the village this afternoon... food shopping, collecting a parcel and dropping off a bag of stuff at the charity shop.  Weather was dry when I walked down but it started raining just as I was walking back home at about 3.30pm.  And its more or less rained all the time since then.

Had a wet walk to slimming group at 5.30pm.  A good turnout again.  I had a 3½ pound gain.  Wasn't surprised as I haven't been " on plan " since last Thursday.  I was lucky to get a lift home so I avoided getting wet again.

The Abstract challenge today is " shapes".  My blip is a shot of a drain cover - I did a bit of processing to make it into an abstract.  Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting.

Late blip as my PC has been on a " go slow " as well as " freezing " so its been a bit frustrating evening trying to get on with stuff.

Steps today - 9,680

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