
By Martigan

Pidgin German?

       As a linguist in  reality, I'm a failure, in that I'm only fluent in Dialect; English coming in a poor second.  However that does Rockall to stunt my warped interest in things linguistic.
      For years I've said Cumbrian and the "Germanic" languages have a lot in common.  A Dutchman once wrote Mam a letter which included the phrase "Hartelijk dank"; Cumbrians used to, not sure if they still do, happily refer to a "Nice-like day".
       And our pronunciation of "more"  as "mair" isn't far removed from the German "mehr".
       OK, with that in mind - I was doing some "mehr ausgeflingen" and came across this lurking in a recess.  That on the left is not the lid; it's what I found left of the Paint clattering about when shaken to guesstimate the amount left.
       In retrospect,  where did all the solvent go? Be it water or whatever.  The lid was fully, and tightly on.

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