Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Well either the Neti pot worked or my cold came to an end, whichever it was I felt so much better this morning and was up and dressed as normal.
We went out to the Gyle to get me some new specs, I've had quite a change to my left eye distance vision which was rather a surprise to find out. I'll keep an eye on that I think.
Glasses should be ready in a couple of weeks so that's something to look forward to. As I wear specs all the time, I like to get something unusual or at least interesting. I think I've chosen a pale blue pair - goes better with the grey hair than tortoiseshell, and a sort of gun metal grey pair, on the other hand I may be misremembering so I'll have a surprise when I pick them up!
We walked along the tramway to Patina afterwards for coffee and by the time we finished it was closing. We'd timed it well, the manager (I assume) stopped us as we were leaving and asked if we liked brownies (the chocolate variety).... What sort of a question is that! The upshot was they had some left over from a function which were the wrong shape and size for them to sell, so would we like some?
Of course we said no! (What rubbish we said yes and I left with a box of 10) Talk about the right place at the right time!
My Blip is of the steam running through Edinburgh Park with the exhibit of parrots on orangery urns by Andrew Burton
You can read more about the sculptures here.

One sad note was the remains of one of the fledgling tits in the garden. Looks like the sparrow hawk visited.

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