Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Sound Advice

I caught the bus into town this morning.
I popped into JL first to pay for my next massage as, if I did so by today it came with an additional 20 minutes.
Once that was done I set off down Broughton Street. Stopping of course at Soderberg to pick up a couple of Cardamom buns, one for tomorrow and one for the freezer. I haven't had one for a very long time.
I walked along Broughton Place and passed this wonderful doorway. It had two brass plates, one giving the name of an architect, (Hugh Cairncross, Architect circa 1807) the other, the phrase "Homo sapiens non urinat in ventum" - ,even I could translate that as - A wise man does not piss into the wind?
A bit of research showed that it, apparently originally, appears carved onto the top of columns on a Roman style arch in Amsterdam.
The extra shows a eucalyptus tree, growing in a basement nearby. It's quite a substantial tree and was very unexpected.
Today is my middle sister's 60th birthday. She'd have reached retirement age if she hadn't died in 2009. It's still hard to believe she's not around.

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