The Pensioner

By Pensioner

More Scenic Scenes

A fine morning with blue skies but come 1:30 it was time to get out the sea lock to catch the tide north along with three other boats.
Up the sound we flew, the sole boat not sailing. On and on; at Easdale a procession of yachts under sail peeled off to head to Oban we alone chuffed our way over the Firth. There’s an elephant in the room. Is sail phobia a recognised condition? Maybe the skipper has got to the stage where all his lines need led to the rear. Lazy jacks would be a help too - and no winch for the main halyard which with his new sail is quite a haul up the mast.
Hey ho. I shall maintain a positive outlook. Anyway we chuffed up a very biffy Sound of Mull to Lochaline where we tied up. And splashed some ginger into a couple of rums. And then devoured ham, eggs and beans. A most enjoyable tranquil evening. Tomorrow we hit the fleshpots!

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