a lifetime burning

By Sheol

One good tern

I saw quite a few Swifts while I was away, and in my downtime I've been having a little go at trying to get a decent shot of a Swift at low level, and, to date, failing miserably. If I ever manage it I'll post the results on Blip.  

However, while I watched the Swifts zoom past quicker than I could get a focus lock on them, I saw what I at first thought was a Black-headed Gull.  The bird was patrolling up and down the hedge rows rather  like a bird of prey and it took me a second to realise that it was a Common Tern.  You normally expect to see Terns on the coast, but the Common Tern is sometimes seen inland.  

To put it into context, I've given you an extra of a Black-headed Gull on a fence post (with a field of buttercups behind).  Despite its name, the Gull has a brown head, as you can see.

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