
By SilverImages

Rebecca Fountain, Bath

“for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life”
2 Corinthians 3:6
A bright and sunny day for my Calligraphy Beginners Course at Meticulous Ink in the city centre. Parking at the guest house was really tight, so manouevring out was tricky, fortunately K1 did the honours and directed me out, and onto the main road! I allowed plenty of time – time for some photos on the stroll through town and a filling breakfast at the Honey Café (in the church) opposite – and arrived outside as they opened up for the day. A expressed her surprise that I’d turned up in a white shirt (for a Calligraphy course with black ink!), but I survived. Two and a half hours soon passed and it was good fun, my birthday present from K2 – this was the first available time slot for the workshop. A brilliant present and so me.
Wandered back to meet K1 at the car before a coffee while we watched the protest march go by, then a wander around the shops for an hour or so. Managed to restrict myself to one book from Waterstone’s – Dream Guidance – it called me so what was I to do? I think the last time we were in there was at a book launch many years ago, and we ended up in the theatre afterwards to see The History Boys.
We met T and D at Noya’s Kitchen for a lovely Vietnamese meal, and again I surpassed myself by eating my curry with chopsticks and keeping a clean shirt! Two hours passed so quickly and it was time to head off (before the car park ticket expired) to Langport in Somerset for a house/dog sit for the rest of the week. The last time we were there was last November, so it was a refreshing change to be arriving in warm sunshine without the worry of flooded roads. A quick catch-up with J and M, they are heading off early morning leaving us in charge of A (the black lab). An awesome day.

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