
By SilverImages

Bath Abbey

“Basically my wife was immature. I'd be at home in the bath and she'd come in and sink my boats.”
Woody Allen
Took my time wrapping up computer ‘admin’, taking it away with us for a house sit in Somerset so it’ll be an opportunity to clean off a few external hard drives (twenty years as freelance photographer and QS etc) and tidy up the computer.
I’ve got my birthday treat Calligraphy workshop in Bath tomorrow morning, so we decided on an overnight there to make it a more relaxed day tomorrow. Just as well, traffic chaos on the M4 with miles of tailbacks (in the other direction) so I would not have wanted that start to my day.
Made good time to Bath, checked in and walked down into the city in the warm afternoon sunshine. We’ve had a few memorable visits to Bath, a book launch at Waterstone’s followed by an (unplanned) evening at the theatre, R’s (Masters) graduation ceremony and S’s graduation as an Engineer. So it’s a place with happy memories, so K1 and I  stopped off at The Square (opposite Bath Abbey) for a delicious meal to kick off our little holiday and then took our time wandering around the usual haunts (The Circus, Royal Crescent etc) before hoofing it back uphill for the night.

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