
By SilverImages

Muchelney Abbey

May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.
Edward Abbey
Forecast for the day is settled and warm so we thought we’d follow J’s suggestion of a walk to Muchelney Abbey. K1 had already taken A for his morning constitutional so we left it until nearer lunchtime to go. New territory for me, the last time we were here the fields were flooded and paths (and some roads) closed. Had a look at the map and it all looked straightforward so we blundered on, then realised we’d arrived at the wrong bridge over the River Parrett, so a quick double back about 100 yards and followed another path to the ’other’ bridge. A doddle, and a riverside walk most of the way, with a short stretch of road over the river where we met a couple of magnet fisherfolk – they were trawling for metal in the river. In other expeditions they’d found civil war artifacts…and grenades! A quieter day today – on our way back later they’d started fishing out parts of a car!
On to the Abbey and poor planning on my part, there’s no café. But it was a warm day so we settled for some snacks and fizzy drink from the shop. Even A got a look in, one of the staff was a dog owner and provided fresh water and a few doggy treats for him.
We’d been told there was an old railway line we could follow back, but K1 thought it would be to the far end of town and was started to flag so we took the other side of the river back. Started well but ended up in long grass and nettles before reaching the bridge and safety! I still needed my ‘meditation’ for the day, so nipped into St.Mary’s church while K1 and A headed back. When I arrived back later she told me A didn’t want to leave me behind!
We’d all had over three and a half hours walking in the sunshine so we put our feet/paws up for a good read in the garden. I’ve nearly finished ‘Citadel’ by Kate Mosse, it’s been a good read and I’ve strung it out to break up the computer sessions.

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