
By MrsK277

Lager and lobster pots.

A little lay-in for me and FK this morning while MrK worked until 12.30. We then bundled in the car with homemade sandwiches, fruit, crisps and biscuits for a car picnic to Norfolk. We arrived to glorious sunshine, though windy, so put a load of washing on the line to dry while completely chilling in the sun reading papers. We decided on fish and chips in Wells for tea on the sea wall with drinks from the Globe. I was carrying the 3 drinks carefully, when someone asked for the time...I nearly fell for it!
We walked with our icecreams to the beach and walked along the beach huts on the sand as the high tide came in and the boys played with a ball. There were a couple of shielded spots, that didn't seem quite do windy, so I changed into my swim gear and in I went! Exhilarating! I'm glad I hadn't missed the opportunity as tomorrow weather looks dire! Happy June.

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