81 F/ 27 C

Some smoke and some cloud
to make our morning grey and 
dim....hoping for sun!


I was out on the Yellowhead Highway just before 7:30. I made the turn onto Shuswap Road heading east. This road is scheduled for some repairs starting next week. It is long overdue. Some parts of the road are already under construction with some sections in gravel. Several large pieces of equipment have been tucked along the margins ready to start work. The warning signs and cones are in place. I will be avoiding this area for the next several weeks. 

I stopped to get a look at the old rail fences and the morning glory that is emerging from the grass along the roadside. 

Hay has been cut and baled in several fields. Irrigators are running to water for the next crop of hay.

I found two eagles on the perch where I usually have seen just one. They had their backs to me while watching the river. I spotted three crows having a conference. The osprey was on the nest on the power poles above the fields. 

I got my view of my mountains looking over their shoulder towards my house. 

I was home again by 8:30 with breakfast in hand. 

I will be staying close to home with my feet up again today. 

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